
"What is Planting" is a campaign created to encourage viewers to donate for charity, to the Life for Relief and Development company based in Southfield, MI.

The video here is missing the voice over, that is supposed to be of a refuge kid explaining to viewers his idea of what planting is. and how it's connected in his mind with charity, and the method of how they're receiving the donations at the refuge camp. 

Idea, written, illustrated, animated, directed and edited by Awn Takruri.

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Awn Amman, Jordan
  • تواصل

  • Ocean Lights
  • Mobile App Design: LoB App
  •  Hidden Talents
  • Making A Difference
  • Prisoner