"My Identity" is a dramedy mini web series written, directed and produced by a small group of students at SAE Institute located in Amman, the capital city of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. "My Identity" consists of 1 season that includes 10 episodes. The students will produce the first four episodes and wait for feedbacks to see if their small project will grab the attention of the people all around the world, from north to south and east to west. For this specific reason, this web series uses two different International languages; English and Arabic and this shows that this project is not made for people who come from one place or two, but it is generalised to include all the nations. If this mini web series gains a huge amount of success, the group will proceed in working on the remaining six episodes in order to finish the first season. The series are created by one of the students named Elias Abu Ata with the help of his sister Maya and his close friend Yater Dabbo. "My Identity" is a dramedy as mentioned at the beginning, which combines drama with comedy. It will have drama in most parts of it, but with some comedy short scenes that show up every once and a while. You can say that this web series is "What A Girl Wants" meets "Coyote Ugly". Parts of the famous TV series "Smallville" are an additive example for what this mini web series is. Moreover, Each episode ranges between five minutes to six and a half. Tag Line: " A trip to the complete unknown. " Log Line: "A mini web series shows two close friends (Sam -singer- and Jacob -manager- ) and Jacob's wish to see his close friend rise as a singer and their journey in search of a music producer at the other side of the world, which will turn out to be the search for Sam's true identity." Premise: "A real friendship is the one that helps you find your way when you're lost." Crew: Director of Episode 1 & 2: Elias Abu Ata Director of Episode 3 & 4: Bassel Mawlawi Producer: Hiba Taher Director of Photography: Yazeed Abu Khder Gaffer/Grip: Salih Al-Jumaili Editor: Hassan Mahmoud Cast: Hazem Alagha (Sam) Nael Mitwasi (Jacob) Duha Al-Jaafreh (Ghada) Sarah Kamal (Seema)
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