
Fashion Trends Training Course

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  • آخر تحديث : 09-04-2014

Garment Design & Training Services Centre (GSC) is organizing a training course on "Fashion Trends". The course in Fashion Trends aims at teaching how to develop research on trends to better production and textile design. The term "trend" is very central in the debate, because on the one hand, the market is getting so unpredictable that the trend can become dangerous if taken as "absolute truth", on the other hand, research on trends is very useful in a situation of uncertainty to guide development on short terms. The course aims at understanding how you can perform a search to identify the most significant transformations and the related guidelines, how to interpret these signals and how to translate this information into instructions for the future. Learning goals: The course aims at teaching research methods relevant to development in different areas: - Concept. - Scenarios. - product. - Production. - Market. - Etc.

  • Fashion Trends Training Course

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Garment Design & Training Serv
Garment Design &am... Amman, Jordan
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  • Fashion & Jewelry Design- Flower Making