
Keker was a good, kind chemist cockroack who was engaged to another cockroach (Keke) and were about to get married. One day they were having a date near the river were a human couples saw them and the female human screamed immediately so naturally the make human squashed keke and threw keker away. Keker was shocked and felt in a very deep grief but yet with huge amount of anger. he went to his lab in made a chemical substance to transform him and enlarge him to human size so he could have his revenge. He promised to make the all the human race suffer as much as he did. he got his weapons and went to get his revenge and then became a dark person whom stopped seeing life fair to him and only willing to spread the fear and sadness around the world.

  • final sketch
    final sketch
  • final sketch
    final sketch
  • Hand sketch
    Hand sketch
  • keke
  • extra pose
    extra pose
  • Hand sketch
    Hand sketch
  • extra pose digital sketch
    extra pose digital sketch
  • extra pose base coloring
    extra pose base coloring
  • old poses
    old poses
  • old poses
    old poses
  • old poses
    old poses
  • first sketch ever - keke
    first sketch ever - keke
  • first sketch ever - keker
    first sketch ever - keker

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Osama Amman, Jordan
  • تواصل

  • Maddy (The Rabbit)
  • Cute baby 3D Chicks
  • Vielor "the happy elephant"
  • Old Man Playing Oud / 2D final - PSUT (Cheap Thrills cover)
  • lib sync (voice over) 2D bonus assignment - PSUT