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تعلم رسم GameBoy باستخدام Illustrator CC2017
8 تقييم الدورة,
222 عدد المسجلين
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آخر تحديث
Khasrouf Taif is a Designer and a 3D artist based in Amman-Jordan, with a BA in Industrial Design from Yarmouk University and an MFA degree in Animation and VFX from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
Spent his earlier years working in a startup company doing plastic packaging for the detergent and food industries in the local market and the region. As well as being a teaching assistant at Yarmouk University and briefly at the University of Jordan. Right after obtaining his MFA degree he became a full-time instructor in Design and Animation at Yarmouk University since 2010. Khasrouf is interested in Design Thinking and Teaching Methods as well as emerging technologies.
He also likes to spend a lot of time sketching whenever he has the chance, most of the contents of this webpage will consist of the contents of the sketchbooks; in a never-ending journey to improve his manual and digital drawing skills.
Khasrouf recently became interested in educational content online to help his students grasp the concepts of classes effectively, which led eventually to start PIXELESK channel, with regular uploads in design software training in Arabic, the channel is still young and expected to reach a wide audience in the coming years.
Khasrouf Taif is a Designer and a 3D artist based in Amman-Jordan, with a BA in Industrial Design from Yarmouk University and an MFA degree in Animation and VFX from
عن هذه الدورة
الدورة تطبيق عملي لما تم تعلمه في الدورة السابقة و هي دورة ذات مستوى متوسط، يتوقع معرفة سابقة بكيفية استخدام الأدوات حيث يتم فقط شرح كيفية تطبيقها في هذا المشروع.
للرجوع للدورة السابقة من خلال الرابط:دورات/447/اليستريتر-cc-للمبتدئين