My experience and my skills in(Accounting Software) & the field of computers (Graphic & Web Designer)
Currently I'm a member (IMA) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, student at the Faculty of Commerce (Cairo University ), in the third year.
Now like to obtain a certification (CMA) from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA ®).
Techniques for Internet, Software , Changed my life and changed the world now.I watch the latest news online and updates ,Have experience is not great but it is growing every day, Now > I can say , I'm (Graphic&Web Designer , Software Operator )
- Have experience in( Accounting Software) .
- Graphical user interface (GUI) design using HTML/XHTML/CSS, Adobe Dreamweaver& Flash,..
- Planning, designing, and implementing web site structure and navigation layout with server side includes and dynamic content
- Testing with multiple browsers and operating systems to ensure the best compatibility possible.
- Design & layout of press releases.
- Work with the marketing team to develop communications materials.
- Assist in the creation of proposals and sales materials.
- Maintain a comprehensive in-house library of images and icons.
my goals for the future:
When finished my university education in Egypt, I would like to complete my studies in abroad (USA, Canada)
To obtain a master's degree in the field of Accounting ..
And joined the largest bank in the world and became a financial manager,
Strong personal computer and business solutions software skills
To everybody who wanted to get any experience of an individual or business.really>feel free to contact me (at any time)
I'm looking for a serious partner to join me in setting up a website ,And be a team to create the site ,for more information's please, contact me.
Mohamed ALkafas’s Specialties:
Software programs::::::::>>>
Peachtree,joomla , Photoshop , Flash , Dreamweaver , Fireworks , Illustrator, Cpanel, HTML, Xml,css, frontpage, Some basic web development experience , Microsoft Office 2003\2007 (ICDL) certification .
Relations programs with others, leadership, management, communication skills, team management, web Designer (creative director)...
My works today: I'm (Graphic&Web Designer , Software Operator )..
My experience and my skills in(Accounting Software) & the field of computers (Graphic & Web Designer)
Currently I'm a member (IMA) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, student at the Faculty of Commerce (Cairo University ), in the third year.
Now like to obtain a certification (CMA) from the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA ®).
Techniques for Internet, Software ,