
A Website For Stolen Cars & Kidnapped Children & Blood Donation




Job Details

My requirements:
1. The Header consists of the logo, Slogan, TABS for about us, contact us, our success stories, search & Post ad & finally login via Facebook login button…. After Login the picture of the user & dropdown menu for his account & ads
2. Instead of the slider I need a map with 6 icons for the (lost & founded) for each one of the 3 modules & 6 check boxes, each of them Is responsible for the appearance of its category’s icon on the map
3. The third section is the search module , I dreamed if I can implement a module for the users to upload a picture of the children & to be compared with our database & to pop out with a message if it’s matched with our database or not & if not to proceed with the rest of the form to post an ad
4. The search for
a. Blood
i. By Blood Type
ii. Area
iii. Gender
iv. Eligibility to donate (I.e. passed more than 6 months since his last donation)
b. Car
i. Model
ii. Type
iii. Production Year
iv. Color
v. Plate number (Old one & new one)
vi. Body Number (can search by this factor only , you have to include the car type & model too to avoid the thieves tricks)
vii. Motor Number (can search by this factor only , you have to include the car type & model too to avoid the thieves' tricks)
c. Children
i. By name
ii. Age
iii. Lost location / Found Location
iv. Skin color
v. Gender

5. The fourth section is to introduce our services by three pictures with text over them
6. The Fifth is module to let the users post their ideas to enhance the service & we can delete or reply to them & it will be shown in a box also it contains a button for the 3 forms like the one in material design concept where a pop up with a form divided into steps will be shown for the user to fill in & to complete his ad
7. The last section is the footer, it contains our Twitter, Facebook plugins or make it follow us on twitter & Facebook as per your design, in addition to statistics to our database as the one in our old website
8. In the form of the cars, both the body number & the motor number should be shown as *** & not to be shown for the users
9. In any form the user should be asked for his notifying method, whether by phone or email in case we found what he wants, also this data should be shown to the others as **@ hotmail.com & ****687 as an example to avoid some tricks used by the thieves
10. After the user post an ad , a post on his profile will be added as the one in the old website by with better design , one color for each module

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