
My startup is Rehabilitation of injured athletes Center, victims of wars, and bring them back to what it Kano. The company has been working for seven previous years. This service is held in the country of Jordan.The word that expresses the company: passion. This company began learning the university during the war broke out and there were many people amputees. I think it's the person who represents the company: Steve Jobs will be the best mind Mdber.msaad in technology and printing. God rest his soul. Inanimate objects, which represents the company: party Industrial The animal that represents the company: horse The important thing, which is linked to the company: relieve the suffering of the owners of amputation

  • logo Amputee Rehabilitation Center ARC (icon)

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Shima Amman, Jordan
  • تواصل

  • ملتقى مكة الثقافي
  • logo Amputee Rehabilitation Center ARC (Typography)
  • شركة الأندلس القابضة
  • بطاقة شخصية
  • sit thinix