
Website Design - Refuse Campaign

  • 1726
  • 1
  • 0
  • آخر تحديث : 07-04-2014

Labeling & stereotyping is hurtful. In a nutshell the campaign aimed to reverse the labels on those who label. The campaign was meant to launch on 2 stages: stage 1 directed towards the Western and European demographics and stage 2 Middle Eastern and Arab Demographics. (Stage 2 was never implemented). The website had 4 different themes to try and receive the appeal of different demographics. (the tabs on the top change the theme).

  • Website Design - Refuse Campaign
  • Website Design - Refuse Campaign
  • Website Design - Refuse Campaign
  • Website Design - Refuse Campaign

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Ala Amman, Jordan
  • تواصل

  • Vid Ads Screenshots - Refuse Campaign
  • Business Cards
  • Gym Posters
  • Corporate Identity
  • Hosiery Package Design
  • Stationary Rebranding