MATCH consists of 10 separate paintings of people wearing animal hats posing as portraits and vice-versa. It is a work that is incomprehensible and I meant it to be a mix of cuteness , weirdness, 1st grade matching exercises, animal rights, human stupidity and everything else that goes along or between those lines, but most importantly I meant this work to be a bit of a 気持ち悪い piece。 While humans are ''supposedly'' the most expressive creatures; I find animals ,with their instinctive manner, to be effortlessly and equally expressive as well. The Art work ''Match'' along side a matching short animation were displayed at ''The Studio'' in Jordan as part of a group exhibition themed ''Portrait''. To view the artwork in more detail please check my portfolio at tumblr: [Hidden]
اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .