
CLARINOL (slimming capsule)

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  • آخر تحديث : 08-04-2014

Freedom to shape your figure TM Clarinol Xs is clinically proven to help reduce body fat and increase muscle mass Product description: each capsule contains CLA 900 mg and L-carnitine 100 mg. Method of administration: 3 softcaps per day with or without food. Use of Clarinol Xs: reduces weight gain, increases lean muscle mass, and reduces the amount of fat. How Clarinol Xs works: Clarinol Xs works by reducing body fat by preventing fat accumulation in fat cells. - Safe and Effective Weight Management Aid - Clearly Noticeable results - Benefitcial effects on Body Fat Mass When people lose weight by dieting, they lose at least 25-30% of the weight from dehydration (fluid loss), muscle, bone density and lean tissue rather than fat. Losing lean tissue is unhealthy and counterproductive for weight management and weakens the physical activity very difficult. Growing scientific evidence indicates that supplementation with Clarinol ® Xs helps to promote weight and favor muscle (lean tissue) deposition.

  • CLARINOL (slimming capsule)
  • CLARINOL (slimming capsule)
  • CLARINOL (slimming capsule)
  • CLARINOL (slimming capsule)

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Salwa Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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