

  • 726
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  • آخر تحديث : 08-04-2014

Bilingual personal identity system depicting my style in making things out of recycled materials for personal and design work. As I'm obsessed with cardboard and making everything out of it, I knew for sure that I want to make my business cards and, hopefully, my promotional giveaways in the very near future, all out of cardboards. I used masking tape to print the information on it as a solution for printing on the cardboard and for making all the system by my own hands using the minimum materials. The logo printed on the tape seals the envelope. As I always like to recycle my already printed work to make new work out of it, I printed my letterhead on the other side of one of my printed work (an art nouveau chocolate wrap I designed previously). This doesn't only help reducing paper waste, but also promotes my work as a designer in every letter that I send. I made the envelope out of brown recycled paper, and carved the front of the business card leaving only the logo to make an emphasis on it and to make a catchy look. I designed my logo based on Arabic typography to show my Arabic identity, and my passion for Arabic typography. It mainly reflects my personality being weird, yet creative, odd, yet unique.

  • Self-Recycled-dentity.
  • Self-Recycled-dentity.
  • Self-Recycled-dentity.
  • Self-Recycled-dentity.
  • Self-Recycled-dentity.
  • Self-Recycled-dentity.
  • Self-Recycled-dentity.

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Wafaa Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • تواصل

  • Logo set
  • Marginalization Newsletter. تهميش
  • Book Redesign “Rewayat Laje2"
  • Toasted New Identity
  • Flake Chocolate Posters
  • Futuristic Needs Branding