
A branding project at my university where we had to choose a product and promote it in movie theatres. My choice fell on frozen yogurts and fresh smothies so people can enjoy something healthy and delicious instead of the unhealthy pop corn. the logo is a silhouette of a cow illustration embedded in the shape of the yogurt (since yogurt is made from fresh milk and stuff) and this cow is the main image of the brand. fresh colored were needed and to be more playful and fun the cow had different emotions and expression on each cup

  • Milky Moo
  • Milky Moo
  • Milky Moo
  • Milky Moo
  • Milky Moo
  • Milky Moo
  • Milky Moo

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Nicolas Beirut, Lebanon
  • تواصل

  • Experimental Photography
  • 3D Puzzle
  • Nerdylicious
  • Printing Methodologies and Stuff
  • Starbucks Package Design
  • Paintings