
Content Development

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  • آخر تحديث : 09-04-2014

Re-writing and editing website content for DNA Fitness Solutions SAMPLE: Our bodies are different, our experiences are not the same and our histories are surely not identical. So, yes we are going to point out the obvious, which cannot be stressed enough! We each need a unique program that serves our fitness goals and respects our distinctive bodies. In 2006, Ammar Sabbah, an exercise physiologist and nutritionist, brought together the most qualified female and male exercise science graduates, nutritionists and exercise rehabilitation specialists to provide you with the best individual fitness solutions in Jordan. Since then, this group of fitness and health professionals has been coaching you towards a healthier and more energetic life style. DNA fitness solutions became the home of exercise and nutrition for a number of Jordanian athletes who compete regionally and internationally. While we are proud to play a role in our champions’ triumphs, we do realize that not all our clients are necessarily after gold medals or the Olympics! Whether you are looking for fitness, strength, good health, weight loss, or simply relieving stress, we will be sure to advise you with the best choices to suit you, and to help you gain control over your body and life. With your determination and effort, we are a team working for one. DNA fitness solutions could be your greatest resource and platform to get the life style that you have always wanted. The choice is yours. Make it now.

  • Content Development

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Hiba.kandalaft Amman, Jordan
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  • Modern Management Consultants
  • Domestic Drama
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