
Social Media Marketing and Managing / Freelancer

  • 522
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  • آخر تحديث : 06-04-2014

I am pleased to provide Your company with the social media service. The intent of the proposal is to deliver a complete social media and integrated marketing solution designed to improve net revenue results as well as customer loyalty and engagement . I will provide social media consulting and execution services in the following areas: 1) General Social Media Strategy and Social Integrated Marketing consulting. 2) Formal Analysis of current marketing deployment, Social strategy development and integration. 3) Social Media Account creation, management and daily responsibility. 4) Fan page custom landing page design and implementation. 5) Development and execution of a social content strategy 6) Management of Fan page posting -We will be posting 3 - 11 times per week 7) Cross channel flow consulting from all media sites including website, fan page, twitter, etc. 8) General text, photo, video and other posts to Social Media umbrella sites. 9) General compilation and coordination of client news, events, community involvement postings within Social Media umbrella sites. 10) Social Media cross pollination and marketing integration plan and execution, ensuring all client channels are integrated and draw on one another toward social media. 11) Responding and engaging with fans and followers to build relationships. .

  • Social Media Marketing and Managing / Freelancer
  • Social Media Marketing and Managing / Freelancer

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Mubark Amman, Jordan
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