
Finger print identification system

  • 21
  • 0
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  • آخر تحديث : 01-08-2016

This project is concerned with constructing a fingerprint system that allows for the detection, verification, searching, storing and extracting fingerprints. The electrical, electronic and programming schematics were introduced in this project. An Arduino based system was used to read the fingerprints from the user and store them into a database in the memory of the fingerprint scanning sensor. After the user stores the fingerprint an embedded image processing algorithm is used to extract the features of the fingerprint and search for the proper similarities in the database. The when the fingerprint is identified, a message is sent to another database stored in the computer using LabVIEW that allows the administrator to store information about the identified fingerprint such as the name, ID, and sex (m/f).

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Hisham Amman, Jordan
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